Strategic Projects


Strategic Projects from buildingSMART International identify key areas of standards and services development that require funding and sponsorship in order to ensure the built environment can rely on open data standards and openBIM. These have been identified as part of the Strategic Roadmap and will ensure the industry can flourish as a result.

These Strategic Projects represent many of the most significant future developments relating to the digitalisation and sustainability of the built environment, with beneficial impacts across multiple industry domains and lifecycle phases. Delivering on the vision of the seamless exchange of trusted information across the built environment can only be achieved with funding. Your financial sponsorship of these projects will allow us to bring this vision to life for the benefit of the industry. buildingSMART International is therefore calling on industry sponsorship to help fund the delivery of these Strategic Projects. Sponsors are invited to identify one or more Strategic Projects of interest and discuss sponsorship options with buildingSMART International.

Strategic Projects Sponsors

The organizations below are recognized as Strategic Project Sponsors and actively contribute to advancing openBIM for the built environment. These organizations have made a minimum contribution of €25,000 or the equivalent work-in-kind. 



This overview document outlines all of the Strategic Projects and the reason behind the requirement for funding.

IFC Validation Service

IFC Validation is a service that allows users to validate IFC files to check their validity against the IFC standard.

Software Certification

Global Software Certification allows software vendors to test against the IFC standard giving support to end-users.



The buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD) allows users to access definitions and properties, materials and relations through a single portal.

IFC 4.4

Following on from the work done for IFC 4.3, IFC 4.4 aims to further extend the schema to include new use cases such as Tunneling and other infrastructure requirements.


IFC 5 is considered the next generation of IFC, making it part of the eta of digital twins, automated ecosystem across design, construction and asset management.


With the Professional Certification program you can train and certify your staff in the latest openBIM standards and services that can improve business performance.

Project Enterprise Certification

Develop and certify the openBIM capabilities of your organisation, giving confidence to you, your clients and your partners.

openBIM Game

Train and develop your staff through practical exercises in openBIM workflows aligned with the latest buildingSMART standards.

Business Value Capture

To create a platform to capture business value to show the benefits of openBIM.

Why Sponsor?

buildingSMART International is calling on industry sponsorship to help fund the delivery of these Strategic Projects. Sponsors are invited to identify one or more Strategic Projects of interest and discuss sponsorship options with buildingSMART International.

All sponsors

  • Support the creation of open data workflows
  • Enhance productivity and sustainability across the built environment
  • Accelerate the development and deployment of openBIM
  • Be an industry leader in digital transformation and innovation
  • Demonstrate your Environmental/Social/Governance commitment

Lead sponsors

(majority / full funding of one or more phases in a project)

  • Recognition of international leadership
  • Promotion via Summits, marketing and communications
  • Sponsorship recognition on the bSI website
  • Regular Project insights and progress updates
  • Invitation to Sponsors' Council with bSI leadership at bSI Summits
  • Priority for user trials and implementation support

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