buildingSMART International Council and Chapter Conference 2023

Brdo Congress Center Predoslje 39, 4000 Kranj, Brdo, Kranj, Slovenia

Tuesday 20th June - 09:00 - 17:00: International Council Wednesday 21st June - 09:00 - 17:00: Chapter Conference With special thanks to the following companies for their sponsorship and support in hosting this event. Please click the logos to find out more about each sponsoring company.

InfraBIM Open 2024

Palais de la Bourse de Lyon Pl. de la Bourse, Lyon, France

InfraBIM Open is unique in its kind: it gives Infrastructures 4.0 their full place. This is THE place to learn from use cases' and experts’ feedbacks, to discuss in the exhibition hall with a large panel of construction actors to find solutions to improve projects and develop new activities. We gather the best subjects of the…