The Fellows and Richard Petrie Award Winners Announced

London, March 18, 2024 – At the buildingSMART International Summit in Valencia, Spain, we are delighted to announce the recipient list for the Fellows and Richard Petrie Awards.

About the Fellows Program

buildingSMART recognizes volunteers and professionals who have faithfully contributed to its mission over many years of service. Recipients are granted the honorary status of buildingSMART Fellows. These individuals have made significant contributions to buildingSMART and the advancement of openBIM.

Fellows are awarded the status at select buildingSMART summits and presented with a gold pin.

About the Richard Petrie Award

The Richard Petrie Award is intended to reflect the innovation and progress achieved by Richard throughout his time leading buildingSMART. It is given to those that have made a significant contribution to "move the dial" and to provide leadership in developing open standards.

Fellows for 2023

(Click an image for a slide show)

The winners of the Richard Petrie Award were:

About buildingSMART International

buildingSMART International is a vendor-neutral and not for profit body that leads the development of open standards that support digital information flows across the built asset industry. Its mission is to proactively engage industry participants who want to develop open standards for planning, design, procurement, assembly and operation of buildings and infrastructure worldwide. It provides the international network plus the necessary technical and process support to develop consensus based open standards. Its members, who range from across the entire built environment spectrum, collaborate under the buildingSMART organization and management. buildingSMART also partners with other international standards bodies such as ISO, the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Its core Industry Foundation Class (IFC) standard achieved ISO approval in 2012.