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buildingSMART depends heavily on volunteers as well as professional contributors and many of these have served our operations for many years. Since buildingSMART is now ‘coming of age’ with its 21st anniversary we are introducing a scheme to honour and thank our outstanding contributors.
Read MoreOn January 10th, the representatives from the RailTopoModel (RTM), initiatives and buildingSMART International met in Frankfurt in order to discuss collaboration in the future development of the railway modelling approaches, to ensure efficiency and consistency for the industry. buildingSMART International (bSI) is the home of openBIM, a publicly available and vendor independent approach to the Building Information Modelling. Within bSI, the IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) are developed as a standard…
Read MoreThe Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and buildingSMART International (bSI) recently held a two day workshop to create a framework to integrate the digital built environment across domains and different aspects of use.
Read MoreWe have released a video expressing the views of some of the attendees at our latest Summit in Rotterdam. See what Richard, Roger, Phillip, Benno, Lars and Jan have to say. For all the outcomes of Rotterdam and our previous Summits please visit our Standards Summit Program page which contains links to all of this plus information on our forthcoming Summit in Korea.
Read MorebuildingSMART has just completed a very successful Standards Summit in Rotterdam which was well attended and had many positive outcomes. The standards process itself is being refined and developed as it is used and implemented and we have welcomed two new Chapters this year from Switzerland and the USA. In all this work and activity, it is important not to lose focus on technical progress.
Read MoreThe good news on BIM: we’re all converts now. The bad news: the road we’re travelling is a bit longer and even trickier than we realised. We’re not sure we’ve got the whole map, and there appear to be gaps. Worst of all, we’re treating it a bit like a race, when actually it’s a team event.
Read MoreApril 11th to 14th were a very busy and productive few days for the buildingSMART community and this Spring Summit produced some excellent outcomes. The work was done by 175 representatives from all 17 of our worldwide Chapters. It seemed appropriate that the Netherlands motto is stronger through effort.
Read MoreThe recently published Association for Geographic Information’s Foresight Report 2020 gives insight into the issues they believe will have a significant impact on the economy, environment and society over the next few years. A common theme running through the report is the increased collaboration between the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and buildingSMART to improve the compatibility between building and infrastructure projects.
Read MoreIn October, over one hundred experts assembled in Singapore to work on the creation of world’s future open building and infrastructure data standards. Since the last working summit in London, 5 standards have been endorsed as buildingSMART Final Standards, and the number of initiatives in progress is healthier than ever with 27 Activities currently developing a broad range of new output. The key milestones achieved during the summit include: 24 nations…
Read MoreThe Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) in collaboration with buildingSMART International (bSI) invite sponsorship in a pilot project to help cities around the world benefit from modern standards for geospatial technologies. The Pilot, based in Europe, will demonstrate and enhance the ability of cities to use diverse, interoperating spatial technologies to deliver improved quality of life, civic initiatives and resilience. Human, natural, and physical systems interact in space and time, and…
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