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buildingSMART International and Geospatial World Sign MoU to Advance BIM and GIS Workflows

London, U.K. – March 27, 2023 – London, – buildingSMART International (bSI) and Geospatial World signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to advance openBIM and geospatial workflows for their respective industries. This MoU was announced at the buildingSMART International Standards Summit in Rome which has been supported as a Media Partner by Geospatial World. The purpose of this agreement is to establish a collaborative partnership between Geospatial World and bSI, aimed at promoting…

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Plannerly Joins buildingSMART International to Advance Information Delivery Specifications

London, (March 27, 2023) – buildingSMART International is pleased to announce Plannerly has joined as a Standard Member of buildingSMART International (bSI). This announcement comes during the buildingSMART International Standards Summit to advance Information Delivery Specification (IDS). Plannerly simplifies project management by consolidating BIM standards, requirements, sequencing, tracking and BIM compliance. Plannerly provide various applications, from BIM Execution Plans, visual BIM scopes, automated BIM checking and compliance, and most recently, adoption…

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buildingSMART International Awards 2023 is Now Open

London, U.K. – March 15, 2023 – London, – buildingSMART International (bSI) is delighted to announce that the annual openBIM® Awards Program is open. Registration opens on March 15, 2023. Since its launch, the buildingSMART Awards Program has continued to grow, with many submissions received worldwide. It was also the first time in three years that the Awards program was held at an International Standards Summit in Montreal. A report of the winners…

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ETIM 9.0 is now published in the bSDD

Following its release in December 2022, ETIM International is pleased to announce the publication of ETIM 9.0 in the buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD). Indeed, a milestone for both the ETIM model and buildingSMART as driven change makers in the digital transformation of the built asset industry, but how exactly will this impact the sector? Time to catch up with Léon van Berlo, Technical Director of buildingSMART International and Jeroen van…

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Clive Billiald – New CEO for buildingSMART International

Clive Billiald

London, (November 18, 2022) – buildingSMART International is pleased to announce the appointment of Clive Billiald as its Chief Executive Officer, effective January 3, 2023. Clive has a track record of leading, building and reforming engineering, construction and technology organisations in a multinational environment, most recently working for Bechtel as a Regional Delivery Director. Prior to joining Bechtel, he held various roles in the UK Ministry of Defence and has…

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National Institute of Building Sciences Announces Upcoming Release of COBie v3.0

The release takes place as buildingSMART International begins development of its Asset Operations Handover project  (WASHINGTON, DC, November 2, 2022) – The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) Building Information Management Council (BIMC) is planning the upcoming release of COBie 3.0, as an update to the Construction to Operations Building information exchange (COBie 2.4) Specification. COBie 3.0 also will be published as an integral part of the upcoming version 4.0 of the…

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The buildingSMART International Standards Summit and National Conference: Montreal, Canada 18-21 October 2022

There is a wave of adoption coming. This was the bold statement from Ian Howell, Interim CEO of buildingSMART International, during the latest buildingSMART International Standards Summit and National Conference that was held in Montreal, Canada, at the Centre Mont-Royal between 18-21 October 2022. This was the first in-person event in three years, and the theme was “Facilitating resilience in the built asset industry through international collaboration.” This focus on…

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The buildingSMART openBIM Awards Program 2022 – Winners Announced

London, (October 21, 2022) buildingSMART International is delighted to announce the full list of winners from the Awards Program 2022. All finalists presented their projects during the buildingSMART International Standards Summit and National Conference in Montreal, Canada between 19-20 of October. A small finalist jury deliberated following the presentations to select a winner from each category. A total of nine winners were announced at a live awards ceremony. There were also…

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Increasing clarity for information requirements

London, U.K. – October 7, 2022 – buildingSMART International is increasing consistency in the terminology around information requirement definitions. In the last two and a half years, bSI has been educating the industry about Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs), Model View Definitions (MVDs), Information Delivery Specifications (IDS), and other well known industry abbreviations. Unfortunately, there has been a limited understanding of what an MVD is for a long time. With the new IDS…

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The buildingSMART openBIM Awards Program 2022 – Finalists Announced

London, (September 6, 2022) buildingSMART International is delighted to share the full list of finalists for The buildingSMART openBIM Awards Program 2022. Finalists will be invited to present their projects to the independent jury for consideration as part of the program. The finalist presentations will take place during the buildingSMART International Standards Summit in Montreal, Canada, 18-21 October 2022. The presentations will take place on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th.…

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