IFC Rail Project Phase 2
Project Overview
IFC Rail Phase 2 is the continuation of the IFC Rail Project after its completion in Q1 2020. The focus of this phase is to implement and validate the Candidate Standard IFC 4.3 and bring it to the status of a Final Standard. This phase requires collaboration between domain experts from project stakeholders, IFC data model experts and software vendors. It also requires continuous harmonization between railway domain and other infrastructure domains in order to ensure a consistent standard for data exchanges across multiple domains. The project has successfully delivered the input for IFC 4.3 to buildingSMART, and the IFC 4.3 standard will then be passed to ISO for publication.
Project Organization
The IFC Rail Project Phase 2 is under the governance of the project steering committee in bSI RailwayRoom.
This committee has representatives from SBB, CRBIM, Trafikverket, FTIA, MINnD, SNCF, RFI and ÖBB-Infrastruktur, who are also project stakeholders of IFC Rail Project, followed by Bane Nor and Bane Danmark for Phase 2.
Besides, the project has involved 29 software vendors across 11 countries from Europe, US and Australia that have participated in this project.
Through unit tests and storylines, the project has organized all the experts and software vendors into Requirements Team and Implementers Forum to perform tests, implement and validate the standard.

Project Process and Result
The tasks of IFC Rail Project Phase 2 are organized by work packages (WP). The implementation and validation process is executed from Unit Tests to Storylines. Meanwhile, feedback are collected from software vendors and domain experts to continuously update the standard. The project has also harmonized railway property sets with infra and existing IFC properties and collaborate with InfraRoom project to define the Alignment based Reference View. The major content of each work package is described as follows.
Focuses on Unit Tests executed by software vendors for railway-relevant parts in IFC 4.3. Each Unit Test focuses on one or multiple atomic concepts in IFC 4.3.
Focuses on validation for Storylines, which are comprehensive business cases for railway based on real datasets.
Focuses on property set definitions as input for buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD).
Focuses on updating the IFC 4.3 standard and all the relevant UML models that are developed in IFC Rail Project Phase 1.
Focuses on collaboration with external standardisation initiatives. The properties from railway are delivered to UIC OntoRail platform.
Focuses on communications, meetings and reporting in the project.

A pdf copy of the Deliverables for the IFC Rail Project Phase 2 can be seen or downloaded here.
Project Deliverables and Shared Information
The official deliverables of the IFC Rail Project Phase 2 are organised by work packages according to the project proposal. They are listed as follows.
Deliverable Name | Download Link |
IFC Rail Phase 2 Final Report – Executive Summary | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP7 |
IFC Rail Unit Test Report | IR-2021-1039-PS-B |
Appendix A: List of Software Vendors | IR-2021-1039-PS-F |
Appendix B: IFC Rail Files and Description | IR-2021-1039-PS-G |
Appendix C: Coverage Table | IR-2021-1039-PS-I |
Appendix D: Alignment Rework Report | IR-2021-1039-PS-J |
IFC Rail Implementers Forum Report | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP1-A |
Repository: IFC Rail Sample Files | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP1-B |
Repository: IFC Rail Unit Test Reference Code | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP1-C |
IFC Rail Storyline Validation Report | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP2 |
Appendix A: Storyline Implementation Report – Track Turnout Renewal - SBB | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP2-A |
Appendix B: Storyline Implementation Report – New HS Line - Track - CRBIM | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP2-B |
Appendix C: Storyline Implementation Report – Design a New HS Line - Telecom - CRBIM | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP2-C |
Appendix D: Storyline Implementation Report – Design a New HS Line - Signalling - CRBIM | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP2-D |
Appendix E: Storyline Implementation Report – Design a New HS Line - Energy - CRBIM | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP2-E |
Appendix F: Storyline Implementation Report – Acquisition and Upgrade of an Existing Railway Line – RFI+Italferr | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP2-F |
Appendix G: Storyline Implementation Report – Subgrade Renewal - SNCF+MINnD | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP2-G |
Appendix H: Storyline Implementation Report – Level Crossing – Trafikverket+FTIA | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP2-H |
Appendix I: Storyline Implementation Report – Tamping BIM2Field2BIM - OEBB | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP2-I |
Appendix J: Storyline Implementation Report – Urban Railway Infra-System Integration - MINnD | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP2-J |
Appendix K: Storyline Implementation Report – ERTMS (System and Design of Technical Rooms and Wired Network) - SNCF | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP2-K |
Property Set Report | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP3 |
Repository: IFC 4.3.x property sets for bSDD | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP3-A |
IFC 4.3 Specification | Visit the Standard |
Conceptual Model Report (V 2.0) | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP4-A |
IFC Rail UML Report (V 2.0) | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP4-B |
Mapping Diagrams Report (V 2.0) | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP4-C |
Database: IFC Rail Data Requirements in OntoRail | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP5-A |
Alignment based Reference View (AbRV) Scope | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP6-A |
Repository: MVD Test Instructions | RWR-IFC-Rail-P2-WP6-B |