The buildingSMART Awards Program 2021
buildingSMART is the worldwide industry body driving the digital transformation of the built asset industry. There is no greater opportunity to demonstrate the strength of this statement than doing it through the hugely successful awards program. Back again, in its 7th year, and building on a changing horizon, this one aims to continue the growth experienced in previous years.
The buildingSMART Awards Program for 2020 saw a new record for number of submissions. With 111 submissions, a new record, and the same number of jurors (111!). This extraordinary feat demonstrates the value of the community effort. There were 16 awards, split between category winners, special mentions and management awards. You can even re-watch the whole awards ceremony here: Watch the Awards Ceremony.
When will the 2021 awards program be open?
The buildingSMART Awards Program will open on the 15th March, the same day as the keynotes at the virtual summit. Access to the Awards Force platform will be provided on this day with clear instructions about how to enter.
Why enter?
Being an award winner of this prestigious award is a big deal. The program has a rigorous review and jury process and not all categories will put forward a 3-project minimum. Last year, there were 6 finalists in the category of Technology, the highest category in terms of number of submissions. Clearly demonstrating the use of openBIM is the only way of winning over the experience jury panel and those that won clearly demonstrated this.
What’s new?
In an effort to enable continuous improvement, bSI has introduced some new roles. These new roles are a reflection of the need to have broad engagement and a sharing of roles and responsibilities. There is also one new category which you can find listed below.
Chapter Liaison Role (New!):
This chapter-representative provides support to submitters from their region or language group. The support may be in the following capacities:
- Provide a contact point with submitters that is linked to a local chapter;
- Ensure the submitters understand the Awards Submission requirements;
- Provide or organize translation support to submitters needing help with English;
- Communicate directly with the bSIAwards Program Manager;
- Provides feedback and lessons learned to the bSIAwards Program Manager at the end of the season.
The chapter liaison is not a jury member and does not have access to nor can influence the scoring sets of the submissions. It is a role that supports the submitters. The role can be leveraged or linked to any existing chapter role that networks, connects with local market contacts and solicits local parties to submit to the bSI Awards program.
Duration: April 1 - May 30th, 2021
Chapter Jury Manager Role:
This chapter representative is the jury team lead for their chapter. They provide the following functions:
- Lead contact point to the bSIAwards Program Manager;
- Engages chapter members to sit on the jury;
- Organizes the team's division of judging activities;
- Provides leadership to the chapter jury team for any aspect of the awards judging process;
- Provides feedback and lessons learned to the bSIAwards Program Manager at the end of the season.
The chapter jury manager is a jury member that provides leadership to the other chapter jury team members. It is a role that supports the judging process. The role can be leveraged or linked to any existing chapter role that provides openBIM expertise and buildingSMART community connections. In some instances, there may be only one jury representative for the chapter, in which case they are also considered the lead for the chapter.
Duration: May 1 - July 31st, 2021
Chapter Jury Role:
This chapter representative is a jury member of the bSI Awards program. They provide the following functions:
- Attend bSIAward Program online meetings;
- Follow the instructions for judging the submissions on the awards platform provided;
- Communicate with the Chapter Jury Manager to determine the allocation of submissions for judging;
- Judge submissions based on the scoring criteria provided and without bias or conflict of interest;
- Provide feedback and lessons learned to the Chapter Jury Manager at the end of the season.
Note that chapters have the autonomy to how many members they want to form a team and how they want to organize coverage of the judging duties across categories. The role can be leveraged or linked to any existing chapter role that provides openBIM expertise and buildingSMART community connections.
Duration: May 1 - July 31st, 2021
Categories in 2021
There is one new category in 2021, Facilities Management. Integrated Project Delivery has been removed. You can submit one project per category and any projects deemed more suitable for another category may be moved. The list of categories is broken down below.
Project Delivery Excellence
- Construction
- Design
- Handover
Operational Excellence
- Asset Management
- Facilities Management (New)
Research Excellence
- Professional
- Student
We encourage anyone keen to submit that they learn about the categories and find the most suitable category for their project. Learn more.
Key dates:
These dates are subject to minor changes. However, for anyone planning to submit a project we advise you plan early.
- 15th March – Awards Open
- 18th April – Triage team assembled
- 9th May – Jury assembled
- 23rd May – Submission deadline
- 6th June – Judging commences
- 18-25th July - Jury deliberations
- 22nd Aug – Finalists announced
- October – finalists invited to present at the virtual summit.
Would you like to be involved or have more questions? You can get in touch with us at