The buildingSMART International Virtual Summit 26 October – 6 November 2020
The buildingSMART International Virtual Summit delivered its 2nd edition in 2020. This extended program included an Opening Plenary, Awards Program, Room Sessions, Program and Partners Plenary, Chapter Conference, Strategic Advisory Council and much more. There were exhibitor booths, networking opportunities and an extensive agenda spanning all phases and domains of the built asset industry. The event had a variety of topics and speakers and some event highlights can be found here:
- 104 presentations
- 196 speakers
- 80+ hours of content
- 53 sessions
- 835 individual registrations
- 16 Award winners
- 6 Fellows
- 111 jurors
- 13 sponsors
- 1 global network
The platform is now open for everyone and to access the content is free. Just visit and enter your details for instant access.
Event Summary:
The event started with keynotes from the buildingSMART International Management Office. The session was titled “A buildingSMART International Update” and there was a welcome from Patrick MacLeamy, Chairman, a “Chief Executive Update” from Richard Petrie, Chief Executive, a “Solutions and Standards Program” presentation from Richard Kelly, Operations Director, a “Technical Update” from Léon van Berlo, Technical Director and finally a “Marketing Update” from Aidan Mercer, Marketing Director. These presentations provided the community with progress reports, updates and highlighted to value of open data and openBIM®. There were some news alerts for the audience including:
- Digital Twins Positioning paper released
- MoU signed with Digital Twins Consortium
- Autodesk Joins the SAC
- Record breaking Awards Submissions
- Bart Brink Appointed Leader of the Digital Twins Working Group
- buildingSMART International Welcomes UAE and Slovenia as New Chapters
- ODA Announces IFC 4.3 RC1 Support
- bSI Joins International Construction Measurement Standards (ICMS)

Ownership to Information – Jorulv Rangnes
The following session was titled “Creating an Ecosystem of Digital Twins” which brought together a broad set of speakers. Digital Twins are fast becoming the most talked about topic today and buildingSMART has a working group and is engaged with other organisations to develop an ecosystem of digital twins. The first session came from the Digital Twins Working Group Leader Bart Brink, Royal HaskoningDHV titled “Digital Twin Introduction”. Frank Weiss, Oracle, followed this with a presentation titled “Data Integrity - the key to a successful ecosystem of digital twins”. Jaan Saar, Estonian Government talked about how Estonia is reinventing public services with his presentation titled "E-construction Platform - From Vision to Reality". Next was a presentation from Mark Enzer, Mott MacDonald and CDBB, about “CDBB and the National Digital Twin Program”. Ron Zahavi, Microsoft, followed this with a presentation titled “Smart Places From Systems of Record to Systems of Reality”. The final presentation in this session was from Dan Isaac, Digital Twin Consortium with a presentation titled “The Evolution of Digital Twins and the Industries they Transform”. All these presentations talked about the need to address industry challenges using digital twins and the process and technologies that support this trend.

Digital Built Britain – Mark Enzer, Mott MacDonald
The final session in the opening plenary was titled “The Role of Open Standards: A Perspective from the USA” with a variety of different speakers spread across this country. There was an introduction and welcome from Calvin Kam and Ian Howell (SBI and buildingSMART). Their presentation was titled “An Update from the US Chapter—Infrastructure and Public Buildings” and showcased the re-launch of the US Chapter. This was followed by a presentation from Michael Kennerly, AASHTO who discussed “IFC and BIM Mandates: AASHTO and US State DOT Perspective". Following recent IFC resolutions, this presentation furthered the need for more IFC-driven standards. Following this came Will Sharp, HDR, who presented “Moving to Open Standards and Digital Delivery” with close integration and work done with the previous organization. The final presenter for the day was Charles Matta, General Services Administration (GSA) who presented “A perspective from GSA” to round off the focus on US-based companies.

Who is Driving BIM in the US? – Michael Kennerly, AASHTO
buildingSMART has a variety of programs. The Solutions and Standards, User and Compliance programs enable the holistic approach required for delivering value to all industry stakeholders. buildingSMART also has a variety of partners and this day really highlighted these throughout the series of sessions and presentations. Léon van Berlo, buildingSMART International provided a welcome and introduction to the day with his presentation titled “Technical services”. With great progress and opportunities with the new technical roadmap, Léon talked about the day ahead and the building excitement around the various technical services. The “bSI Professional Certification” followed this delivered by Mark Baldwin, buildingSMART International. Mark shared further developments of the hugely successful program. This was followed by a presentation from Rasso Steinmann, buildingSMART Germany, with a presentation titled “Software Certification” which also shared exciting news from recent certifications. Thomas Glaettli, buildingSMART Switzerland shared a presentation on “Use Case Management Tool” which aims to deliver further value to the User Program. Léon van Berlo finished the session with his second presentation titled “The buildingSMART Data Dictionary”.

The USE Case Management Tool - Thomas Glaettli, bS Switzerland
The “Tech Experts Session” followed this with a series of speakers contributing to innovations in technology solutions. First to present was Dion Moult, Lendlease who presented on “Free Software in AEC”, providing the audience with free options for using tools available in the market. A “Tutorial: How to generate high quality IFC exports” was delivered by Hans Hendricks who showed how to maximise the potential of Revit with some tips and tricks. Scott Beazley then followed with a presentation titled “Better quality IFC exports” which provided the audience with insights into how to better export IFC files and data. Neil Peterson, Open Design Alliance presented next on “Experimenting with new IFC extensions”. Neil showed some of the latest adoption in their growing uses of buildingSMART standards when applied to software. Next was a panel discussion between Mathijs Natrop, Mikko Huovila, Gabor Almasi and Kenneth Solvik with support from Pasi Paasiala and Yoram Kulbak. This session was titled “Tutorial: How BCF can help you raise your productivity” and was a debate about how BIM Collaboration Format is delivering real value in the industry. Finally, Kyle Tan, Airsquire and Serkan Sen, Ballast Nedam presented “How "Pointcloud + IFC = BCF?” to showcase the benefits of digital workflows between point cloud data and IFC. This was the first time this session was delivered at a buildingSMART Summit and the feedback from the survey suggested this trend should continue so watch this space at the upcoming virtual summit.

10 Tips for Exporting Revit to IFC – Hans Hendriks
The next session was titled “buildingSMART Projects” which focused on the existing projects that had recently reached Candidate Standard. These projects provide the bedrock of the work delivered at buildingSMART and have provided significant progress to the schema extensions into infrastructure. The first to present was Winfried Stix, buildingSMART Railway Room Chair with a presentation titled “IFC Rail Project | Modeling the Real Rail World”. The IFC Rail project is the biggest project in buildingSMART and has recently moved to phase 2 – software testing and implementation. Karin Anderson, Swedish Transport Administration, followed Winfried with a presentation titled "IFC Road" which explored the recent developments in the project. This also reached Candidate Standard and now moves to the next phase of testing and implementation as well. Next was Michel Rives Vianova and Andre Borrmann Technical University of Munich who presented the “IFC Bridge” project. Nick Nisbet, AEC3 was next up, presenting the “IFC Ports and Waterways” and shared some of the ongoing use cases and project developments.
The final session of the day was titled "Partnerships" which brought together a range of speakers discussing the ongoing relationship with buildingSMART. The key partnerships help to transform industries that are widely shared by each party. First up was Bart De Lathouwer, Open Geospatial Consortium who shared insights and developments from their organization. The presentation was titled “Partnership with OGC” which has been ongoing for over 12 years. Next was Enzo Blonk, GS1 who discussed “bSI and GS1: linking the Dots in the Construction value chain”. This presentation explored the potential for commercial workflows that link bSI and GS1 standards and showcased developments with the Digital Supply Chain in Built Environment (DSCiBE) workgroup that was setup between bSI and GS1. Next was a presentation titled “GeoBIM for Resilient Infrastructure” from Sanjay Kumar, World Geospatial Industry Council. This showed the ongoing efforts between both parties to develop the agenda for BIM and GIS. Next was Neil Peterson, ODA, who shared thoughts on “ODA and buildingSMART” and the developments between the two parties. Lastly, Richard Petrie hosted a panel discussion on the topic of "ICMS Panel Discussion" following the recent MoU between bSI and ICMS Coalition. Panellists included Richard Petrie and Leon van Berlo of bSI and Ken Creighton, Alan Muse and Andrew Knight of ICMS.

GeoBIM Maturity Model – Sanjay Kumar, Geospatial World Media
The buildingSMART Awards Program for 2020 saw a new record for number of submissions. With 111 submissions, a new record, this program was the hardest so far.
- WINNER: Auckland International Airport Ltd – “Auckland Airport” - NEW ZEALAND.
- WINNER: Byggstyrning – “Project Celsius” – SWEDEN.
- Losinger Marazzi SA – “The Eglantine Project” – SWITZERLAND.
- VIA IMC GmbH – “PPP infrastructure project management using BIM” - GERMANY.
Category of DESIGN:
- Cardno Victoria Pty Ltd. – North East Link Early Works Utility Relocation Project – Australia
- WINNER: CCCC Highway Consultants CO.,Ltd. – “openBIM design of Panama Canal 4th Bridge” – CHINA.
- China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co., Ltd – “The Research of BIM Technology Applied in Intercity Projects in Shaanxi Province” – CHINA.
Category of HANDOVER:
- WINNER: Vestfold Hospital – “The Tonsberg Project” – NORWAY.
- COWI – “BIM-based cost estimation in a road project, proof of concept and practice”. NORWAY.
- WINNER: The University of Manchester – “Discovering Safety”. UNITED KINGDOM.
- Warbud SA – “Structural designing supported by openBIM”. POLAND.
- WINNER: École des Ponts ParisTech – “Smart BCF” – FRANCE.
- Technical University of Munich - “Enrich IFC Approach” - GERMANY.
- University of Sao Paulo – “IFC4 MVD for Architectural and Structural design process” - BRAZIL.
Category of TECHNOLOGY
- WINNER FOR INNOVATION: BEXEL Consulting – “Project Management of Novo Brdo Residential Complex Project utilizing intelligent openBIM workflows” - SLOVENIA.
- BIM & Scan – “BIM & Scan AutoCorr and AutoGen” – Ireland.
- Ineco – “InBIM” – SPAIN.
- WINNER: Lendlease – “A modular tookit for developing openBIM data pipelines” – AUSTRALIA.
- WINNER FOR CLIENT LEADERSHIP Norwegian Public Roads Administration – “Machine Readable Norwegian Classification Manual for Bridge Registrations” – NORWAY
Fellows Awards
The “Room Days” ran for 6 days and included content from all the rooms. Each session has been broken out by Room and can be access via the direct link below.
Airport Room:
AR1 - CAD2BIM Migration
CAD2BIM Migration - Christoph Eichler and Morten Loes
AR2 - Airport IFC Project
Airport IFC Project - Maya Tryfona and Arisca Droog
AR3 - Data Security Workshop
Data Security Workshop - Adam Rendek, Chelsea Hermond and Chloe Kettell
AR4 - Airport Digital Twin
Airport Digital Twin - Mohammad Salem
Airport Digital Twin - Basak Keskin
Airport Digital Twin (full session with Q&A)
Building Room:
BR1 - Introduction and Roadmap
Introduction and Roadmap - David Ivey
Introduction and Roadmap - Mirbek Bekboliev
Introduction and Roadmap (full session with Q&A)
BR2 - Facilities Management
FM Handover – COBie 2.5 - Inés Azpeitia Gonzalez and Bill East
Gathering BIM content over the lifecycle - Daniel Schwarz
Facilities Management Activity Proposal - Fred Kloet and Alex Worp
Facilities Management (full session with Q&A)
BR3 - Occupant Movement Analysis & Fire Safety Engineering
Occupant Movement Analysis & Fire Safety Engineering - Jimmy Abualdenien
BR4 - Projects Update
IDM for openBIM & Building Energy Modeling - Project Update - Mirbek Bekboliev & Jeffrey Ouellette
Potential Use Cases of IFC Spatial Zone - Gianluca Genova & Yoshinobu Adachi
BIM to SIM / Model-based Building Performance Simulation - Manuel Frey
Projects Update (full session with Q&A)
BR5 - Steel Construction
Steel Construction - Ingo Schnock
BR6 - IFC4Lab Laboratory Planning
IFC4Lab Laboratory Planning - Peter Neurieder and Volker Krieger
Construction Room:
CR1 - the Smart 4D and 5D Planning and Progress Monitoring process
The Smart 4D and 5D Planning and Progress Monitoring process - Mileta Pejovic and Aleksandar Ilic
CR2 - Requests for Open CDE from a construction company’s point of view
Update on IFC and IoT Data model as Construction Digital Asset - Yoshinobu Adachi
Requests for Open CDE from a construction company’s point of view - Ken Endo
Requests for Open CDE from a construction company’s point of view (full session with Q&A)
CR3 - BIM to Field
BIM to Field - Alessandro Walpen
Infrastructure Room:
IR1 – Introduction
Introduction - Tiina Pertulla
Introduction - Jim Plume
Introduction (full session with Q&A)
IR2 - InfraRoom Roadmap
InfraRoom Roadmap - Philip Jackson
InfraRoom Roadmap - Ronald Bergs
InfraRoom Roadmap (full session with Q&A)
IR3 - IFC4.3 Infra Extension Deployment Project
IFC4.3 Infra Extension Deployment Project - Jim Plume
IFC4.3 Infra Extension Deployment Project - Stefan Jaud
IFC4.3 Infra Extension Deployment Project - Karin Anderson
IFC4.3 Infra Extension Deployment Project - Christophe Blanchet
IFC4.3 Infra Extension Deployment Project (full session with Q&A)
IR4 - IFC Tunnel Project
Georeferencing, Positioning, Geometry and Spatial Structure - André Borrmann
Geology and Geotechnics - Jonas Weil
Excavation, Support and Lining - Jan-Christian Thoren
IFC Tunnel Project Phase 2 - Michel Rives & André Borrmann
IFC Tunnel Project (full session with Q&A)
IR5 - IFC Ports & Waterways Project
Summary and Review - Alex Bradley
Capacity Analysis - Nick Nisbet
Berthing Analysis Use Case - Dan Peel
IFC Ports & Waterways Project - Julia Wissel
Ship Lock Storyline - Honglei Qin
IFC PW 2.0 - Enterprise Platform - Haijiang Li
IFC Ports & Waterways Project (full session with Q&A)
Product Room:
PR1 - Object Model Views and Digital Construction standards
Construction Object Model View - Daniel Said
CEN standard for product data based on IFC: prEN 17549-1 - Klaus Aengenvoort
A journey from the virtual need to the right product - Stanislav Dermendjiev
Object Model Views and Digital Construction standards (full session with Q&A)
PR2 - bsDD Use Cases
bsDD Use Cases - Hansueli Schmid
bsDD Use Cases (full session with Q&A)
PR3 - Generic Data-Model Building & Construction
Generic Data-Model Building & Construction - Yannick Cotherel
Generic Data-Model Building & Construction - Greg Ceton
Generic Data-Model Building & Construction (full session with Q&A)
PR4 - Digital Supply Chain
Introduction and the Construction Process - Michel Bohren
The Product Life Cycle Process - Uwe Rudel
The Construction Site Logistic Process - Birgitta Schock
The Circle Economy / Sustainability Process - Pablo van den Bosch
Digital Supply Chain (full session with Q&A)
Railway Room
RWR1 - IFC Rail Phase 2
Regulatory Room
RR1 – Introduction
Introduction - Nicholas Nisbet
Introduction (full session with Q&A)
RR2 - "Show and Tell"
Application for building certification by digital data in Japan - Kensuke Yasui
BIM-based permit process for Estonia - Christopher-Robin Raitviir
EU network for digital building permits, EUNET4DBP - Francesca Noardo
"Show and Tell" (full session with Q&A)
RR3 - Digital Twins and Regulation
Digital Twins and Regulation - Tamer El-Diraby
Digital Twins and Regulation - Nicholas Nisbet
Digital Twins and Regulation (full session with Q&A)
Technical Room
TR1 - Current Initiatives
IfcJSON - Jan Brouwer and Pieter Pauwels
OpenCDE APIs - Yoram Kulbak & Pasi Paasiala
Improved BCF Workflows - Mathijs Natrop
High Quality IFC Documentation - Scott Beazley
IFC HDF5 (binary IFC) - Thomas Krijnen
IFCHDF5 (binary IFC) - Sergey Vishnevetsky
Current Initiatives (full session with Q&A)
TR2 - New Horizons and Related Efforts
Digital Twin Description Language - Akshay Johar
GS1 Digital Link - Phil Archer
BuildingSync and Schematron - Nicholas Long & Ted Summer
Property Service - Jari Juntunen
JSON-LD Linked Data - Devon Sparks
New Horizons and Related Efforts (full session with Q&A)
TR3 - Future Directions
Special sessions
Applying standards to solve major project interoperability challenges
The COBie Certified Professional™
Room Closing Plenary Presentations
BIM Legal and Contractual Issues Worldwide – Where Are We Now? - May Winfield
Efficient Project Development and Construction - Johannes Meyer-Myklestad
LAW@BIM (full session with Q&A)
BEXEL Consulting - IDS-based BIM data management and quality assurance using BEXEL Manager
dRofus - The Data Revolution is coming