Updates from the buildingSMART Board, SAC and International Council
London, U.K. – June 25, 2021 – The buildingSMART International Council, Board and Strategic Advisory Council meetings concluded the week of June 14th, 2021 with a variety of announcements, updates and news to be shared.
International Council
The buildingSMART International Council comprises Full and Developing Chapter of buildingSMART International. Chapter in-formation, well as guests, the board and management office staff are also invited to the annual International Council Meeting. The meeting included corporate updates from the management office, updates to the Byelaws, financial updates and voting procedures for the Annual Report, Board Nominations, and re-appointment of the Nominations Committee for 2021-2022. 13 of the 14 full Chapters voted. The results are as follows:
- Annual Report for 2020 – approved.
- Approval for re-appointment of Patrick MacLeamy and Christophe Castaing as existing Board members as well as Jugal Makwana and Kjell Inge Davik as new Board members – approved.
- The re-appointment of Jøns Sjøgren, Patrick MacLeamy, Birgitta Schock, Menno de Jonge as the Nominations Committee for 2021-2022 – approved.
You can view the approved Annual Report 2020 here.
The Board meeting included an application for the formation of a Croatian Chapters presented by the Croatian Association for Construction Management (CACM) which is under considerations. There was also a discussion of the Compliance program governance and leadership requirements. This was also the final meeting for Kjetil Tonning, Board member and Bill Moore, Treasurer and Board member. buildingSMART International would like to thank Kjetil and Bill for their hard work and welcomes both Jugal and Kjell Inge Davik as new Board members.
Richard Petrie, Chief Executive commented that “the appointment of both Jugal and Kjell helps to bring more industry expertise and business acumen to our Board. I am excited by these nominations as I know they share our vision of supporting real growth in the community. I would also like to thank both Bill Moore and Kjetil Tonning for their leadership and commitment over the last few years as excellent Board members”.
Strategic Advisory Council (SAC)
As part of buildingSMART Internationals Strategic Membership, the “SAC” meets twice a year to discuss the future direction for the community. Representations from Arup, Autodesk, China Communications Construction Company Ltd., China Railway BIM Alliance, Nemetschek Group, Oracle Construction and Engineering, Siemens and Trimble all provided input, feedback, and discussion to topics such as software certification, accelerated projects, IFC 4.3 roadmap, openBIM® and GIS and more. There were also guests from the AASHTO organization and Schneider Electric.
About buildingSMART International
buildingSMART International is a vendor-neutral and not for profit body that leads the development of open digital information flows across the built asset industry. Its mission is to proactively support industry participants who want to develop open standards for planning, design, procurement, assembly and operation of buildings and infrastructure worldwide. It provides the international network plus the necessary technical and process support. Its members, who range from across the built environment spectrum, collaborate under the buildingSMART organization. buildingSMART is engaged with other international standards bodies such as ISO, the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Its core Industry Foundation Class (IFC) standards achieved ISO approval in 2012.
Press Contact:
buildingSMART International
Aidan Mercer, +44 7813-043-435